Letra de la cancion "She was a princess who had it all until the day she dissappeared"

Interpretada por "A Vain Attempt"

letra She was a princess who had it all until the day she dissappeared en español


Lo hiciste de nuevo

Hecho por las lágrimas, era tan obvio
Que caerias, todos ellos, a parte
No puedo ver sus costillas, la princesa hizo que se los lleven
No puedes ver que ella se fue, por su cuenta

Vamos a empezar a luchar, vamos a hacer que llueva esta noche la sangre
Porque espero que hagas todo lo posible para encontrar al menos el pecho
Si va lanzar un celular, te enviare al infierno
Con mi espada, jsuto en tu pecho

Y vas a luchar por mí hasta el amanecer

Vamos a empezar a luchar y estaras tan lejos de mi
Te das cuenta? qué me hiciste?
Nacido en un castillo
Cómo puedes tirarlo todo por la borda?

Corta mi garganta y dejame aquí para sangrar con nada tuyo, este será el final de nosotros

Trato de ser la unica pero sé que ella se ha ido, la sangre corriendo a traves mis venas

Vamos a empezar a luchar y estaras tan lejos de mi
Te das cuenta? qué me hiciste?
Nacido en un castillo
Cómo puedes tirarlo todo por la borda?

Ella era una princesa que lo tenía todo, hasta el día en que desapareció, pero nunca voy a renunciar a la esperanza de encontrar otra vez

Nunca voy a renunciar a la esperanza, para encontrarla de nuevo
Por el amor de dios no puede estar muerta, me encontré muerto con ella esta noche
Voy a tomar el suicidio por amor de nosotros, me corté la garganta para ti
He encontrado una razón para culparte, los caballeros te seguiran

She was a princess who had it all until the day she dissappeared

Letra Original

You did this again

Made by tears, it was so obvious
That you would fall, all apart
I can't see your ribs, did the princess take them to
Can't you see she's gone, left by her own

Lets begin to fight, lets make it rain blood tonight
Cause I hope you'll do your best, to find at least her chest
If you going throw a cell, I will send you to hell
With my sword, right threw your chest

And will you fight for me until the sun rise

Let's begin to fight and you will be so far from me
Do you realise? what, you did to me
Born in a castle
How could you throw it all away?

Cut my throat and leave me here to bleed with nothing left from you, this will be the end of me and you

She tried to be the one but know she's gone, blood running threw my veins

Let's begin to fight and you will be so far from me
Do you realise? what, you did to me
Born in a castle
How could you throw it all away?

She was a princess who had it all, until the day when she disappeared, but I'll never give up the hope about finding her again

I'll never give up the hope, to find her again
For god sake you can't be dead, I found her dead tonight
I'll take suicide for your sake, I cut my throat for you
I found a reason to blame on you, the knights will follow you

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